I want to produce work that creates conversation. I want you to look at my photographs or pottery or written word and be affected by the image, shape, color or subject and feel a connection. Thought provoking or comforting.

Art has power by connecting us. We can speak to each other in a way that shows our connectedness, our loves. Our affection towards certain colors and elements, a journey we may have shared. We send a message by what we create. We start a conversation that may affect our perception, expand it, nurture it or simply tickle the imagination. I want you to remember the conversation.

Bring it with you to share with someone else or to have all your own, either way you are connected to something bigger than yourself.



I was incredibly lucky to be born in the Adirondack mountains. My mom had a kindness and understanding resonating towards the smallest of creatures to the most vilified wolves and because it was at the core of who my father really was, he eventually traded his gun for a camera. They both nurtured my artistic side, gave me a respect for nature and there was daily promotion to use my imagination. My father liked to sketch, and taught me perspective drawing and he loved to take pictures and keep a journal, record the latest songs. My mother wrote poems, limericks, and short stories and had a wicked sense of humor. Both encouraged me to be authentic, not follow the crowd, treat every day as an adventure and explore! Through the years that followed I have sought different mentors in whatever medium of creativity called out to me. My teachers have varied in age, skill and recognition, art, photography and writing teachers in the university setting, several established and noteworthy artists whom good fortune laid at my feet and many many talented friends. You build off each other, every creative person in your orbit sheds some skin and like the biome of the forest, you help each other grow. Experimenting with different forms, materials, subjects and styles, has been a lifelong pursuit, with a particular interest in the extraordinary flora and fauna of our world.

Decades of living in New York City, Queens and Brooklyn I am now living in the Hudson Valley. I can see the stars again and I am captivated by the landscape. Enormous rock sculptures from the ice age lay along the hiking trails and hidden rivers of emerald and nutmeg. The sounds of owls and peeper frog calling me back to my childhood, and the Northeast’s clearly defined change of seasons keeps my creative heart in tune for the next project.
